located by the ocean in beautiful encinitas, CA, platypi surf is a custom wood design shop.

platypi surf brings a history of set design and carpentry excellence to each project. we want to save the earth, not pollute it, and strive for organic materials and Advanced design on everything we touch.


  • Surfboards (Patented design)

  • fins

  • handplanes

Born on the west coast and growing up between New England and California, Craftsman Kyle Jackson eventually made his way to nyc, where he made a name for himself designing bars, galleries, sets for commercials, and Art Directing.

he returned to southern california in 2000, motivated by his love of the ocean. everything coalesced in the founding of platypi surf, where his engineering and design skills led to a different way of crafting wooden boards. along the way, platypi surf received several patents on the construction process.

created with the goal of not being part of the increasingly disposable product world, platypi surfboards, fins, and handplanes are created from materials that are less harmful to the environment. they are designed in a fashion that adds to their longevity as both functional and art.